Our Family

Our Family
Our happy little family: Corey, Jayden, Mindy & Abbie

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Swim lessons...kind of.

I knew I should've taken pictures.

I had my camera, but it stayed in my bag.


Jayden started swim lessons this week and you'll have to take my word for it because I had to tend to my little screamer instead of taking pictures of my up-and-coming Aaron Perisol. (Maybe I was being a bit ambitious with that one...)

Day 1: He was all smiles until it was time to get in the water...without mommy. Boy, he didn't like that idea too much. But he generally likes the water and has never had a problem getting in the pool before so I thought he'd settle down after a few minutes.

I thought wrong.

After his instructor asked me to go around the corner so he couldn't see me (thinking it would help if it was just the two of them), he screamed so hard he threw up in the pool.

Needless to say, that was the end of lesson #1.

Day 2: Jayden was like a cat getting into the bathtub. He flailed and cried just going up the driveway!

Daniel, his instructor, wises up and tells Jayden he doesn't have to get into the pool, he's just going to play catch with him. He was in the pool and Jayden was on the pool deck and they played catch. By the end of the lesson, Jayden was standing on the first step with his feet in the water.


Day 3: Thinking he'd helped conquer Jayden's fears, poor Daniel tries day 1's methods again.

Big mistake.

But at least he didn't throw up in the pool.

Bed-time on day 3: While tucking my little guy in, he says to me, "Sad, Mommy. So sad." with a single tear running down his cheek. When I ask him why, he says, "Water. Daniel."

OK, my heart is bursting out of my chest with sadness for the guy. If he's still freaked out 10 hours later, I come to the conclusion that he's been sufficiently terrorized.

Day 4: Mommy places a phone call to Daniel thanking him for his patience and suggesting we try again at the end of the summer. Or next year.

Oh well, at least the goggles I bought for his ill-fated swim lessons aren't being wasted. Jayden's got himself a new bath toy!!

As you can see, he's a little happier in shallow, bubbly water. Maybe I'll try that next time...

1 comment:

Christel said...

Oh my goodness! That poor little guy! That single tear at bed time tore at MY heartstrings.

Eli is in swimming lessons too, only we're doing the parent/tot class so we're actually in the water with him the whole time. Melanie, our instructor, takes him for only a few minutes each lesson, while we do what she shows us to do. Some days are better than others, but at least he's excited to go to the pool with Mommy and Daddy.

Give all your kiddos big hugs from us!